SaaS Marketing Blog

Beyond the Basics: Uncommon Blog Ideas for SaaS Marketers

8th March 2023

Even in the rapidly-changing world of SaaS marketing, blogging remains a crucial tool to have in your belt. In fact, 48% of companies that have a content marketing strategy leverage blogging and 56% of marketers who leverage blogging say it’s effective.

If you’re keen to be part of that 56%, you may be looking to refresh your company blog with some valuable and relevant content that will attract and engage potential customers. But with so many SaaS companies competing for attention via online content, it can be hard to stand out from the crowd.

It’s time to break away from your usual topics and themes, and truly differentiate your brand by providing unique blog content that offers real value and establishes you as a thought leader in your industry. New blog ideas can also help you tap into new audiences, inspire more engagement and shares, and keep your existing readers coming back for more.

Choosing fresh subject matter can also improve your SEO, keeping readers engaged onsite for longer periods of time. This can reduce your bounce rate and improve your dwell time, both of which are positive signals to search engines that your content is valuable and relevant to your audience.

Whether you’re looking to increase traffic, boost engagement, or drive conversions, investing in unique and compelling content is an effective way to achieve your marketing goals. In this post, we’ll explore some uncommon blog ideas that can help you stand out and provide unique value to your readers.

Behind-the-Scenes Content

One way to give your readers a deeper understanding of your SaaS product is to provide a behind-the-scenes look at how it’s built, the development process, and the team behind it. This type of content can be particularly interesting for readers who are curious about the technology and innovation that goes into creating a successful SaaS product.

If you want to give your audience a glimpse behind the scenes, it pays to define the purpose and scope of your content. This will help you create focused and valuable content that resonates with your audience.

For example, if you’re particularly proud of a new update you can share screenshots of wireframes, sketches or other design elements, as well as progress updates on your development milestones. This will keep your audience counting down to a new release alongside you!

Authenticity and transparency are key to creating effective behind-the-scenes content. Don’t be afraid to share your failures and challenges, as well as your successes. Doing so can help your audience relate to your brand and build trust with your company.

Meet the Team

Introducing your team members to your readers can make your SaaS product feel more relatable and human. Plus, by sharing their expertise and insights, you can help readers see the real thought leaders at work behind your product.
Start by sharing photos or video clips from team meetings, company events or talks given by members of your team. If you want to add a human touch, you can even share photos of team members working from home.

Another way to make your content relatable and engaging is to share personal anecdotes that are relevant to your audience. This could include stories about how you or your colleagues overcame a certain challenge in your business, or how you got started in your industry.

By sharing your own experiences and insights, you can help readers see you as a real person involved in the same industry as they are, who has faced the same challenges they have and designed a SaaS product to solve it.

Industry Commentary

As a SaaS marketer, you’re always keeping an eye on industry news and trends. Why not offer your commentary on these topics, and share your thoughts on how they will impact your audience? By sharing your perspective on industry developments, you can position yourself as a thought leader and provide valuable insights that your readers can’t find anywhere else.

If your SaaS product generates data, you have a unique and valuable content asset. Use that original data to provide insights and analysis. Create charts and visual aids, and add commentary explaining how they are relevant to your audience

Keep up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in your industry, and share your own opinions and analysis of how these trends will impact your customers and your business. Don’t be afraid to speculate on trending and controversial issues, but invite your audience to join the debate and share their own opinions in the comments.

To position yourself as a true thought leader, consider interviewing industry experts in your own company or your wider network. Share their deep and nuanced understanding of your industry, and help them offer valuable insights to your audience.

Infographics and Visual Content

Not all of your customers are verbal learners, so don’t be afraid to mix up your media. Infographics and other visual content can be a great way to summarise complex topics related to your SaaS product or industry. In fact, 45% of marketers are already using infographics in their content.

By presenting information in a visually compelling way, you can make it easier for readers to understand and retain key concepts. Plus, infographics can be shared on social media and other platforms, giving you more opportunities to reach new audiences.

Make sure your visual content is engaging, easy to understand and visually appealing. Tie fonts, logos and colours in with your branding to create an immediate link between the valuable information shared and your product.

Once you’ve created your visual content, make sure to promote it widely across your social media channels, email newsletters, and other marketing channels. A colourful graph or chart would make for a great Instagram post, while large infographics are highly clickable LinkedIn posts.

Guest Posts

Inviting guest bloggers to contribute to your blog is a great way to add fresh perspectives and diverse voices to your content. By giving others a platform to share their expertise and insights, you can provide your readers with a richer and more nuanced understanding of your industry.

Plus, guest bloggers can help you expand your reach and connect with new audiences. Consider swapping posts with a relevant contact in your industry: they can write a guest post for your blog and you can write one for theirs. You will both benefit from an introduction to one another’s audiences, as well as a way of positioning yourselves as thought leaders.

This practice can also help you build high-quality backlinks to your site, which are an important factor in search engine rankings.

User-Generated Content

Did you know that consumers rank user generated content as the most trustworthy form of content? Encouraging your customers to share their experiences with your SaaS product can be a great way to build trust, loyalty and genuine relationships with your audience.

By featuring their stories, photos and videos on your blog, you can show potential customers how real people are using and benefiting from your product. Plus, user-generated content can offer you new perspectives on your own product and provide a great source of inspiration for future blog topics and marketing campaigns.

Consider offering incentives or rewards to users who share their experiences with your SaaS product. This can include discounts, free trials, or exclusive content. You will benefit from a wider range of better quality content to draw from.

Curate the content you are sent carefully to align with your brand and values: highlight stories that showcase the unique value of your SaaS product or that demonstrate how your product solves real-world problems for your users.

Create Winning Content with Xander Marketing

Mixing up tried and tested blog formats with some new ideas can create engaging and valuable content that resonates with your audience on a whole new level. However, coming up with fresh and interesting content can be a challenge, especially if you’re short on time or resources. That’s where Xander Marketing comes in.

As an outsourced SaaS marketing agency with years of experience in content marketing, Xander Marketing can help you develop and execute a content strategy that aligns with your business goals and engages your target audience.

Contact us today for a free 30 minute consultation and learn how we can help you create compelling content that drives traffic, engagement, and conversions.

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